Blue Carbon Initiative Seagrass and mangroves are the coastal blue carbon ecosystems of the tropical regions. With this, the BlueCARES Project, a research project of the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia organized its 2nd National Blue Carbon Symposium, an avenue where scientists and practitioners engage and discuss climate-related issues and initiatives. Mangrove Restoration Oceanus Conservation focuses...
Author: Oceanus Conservation
Spotlighting Mangroves in the United Nations Ocean Conference 2022
With the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the world’s deep-rooted problems arose. Evidently, climate change, pollution, and the health system are just a few of the many issues that the pandemic is highlighting. This require a major structural change and shared solutions that are rooted in the Sustainable Development Goals in order to...
Building a Better World: Mangroves in Minecraft
For over a decade, humans have been responsible for over 60% of mangrove loss. It painted a painful picture of the possibility of losing more mangroves and the ability to restore them. However, great efforts in restoration, replanting, and conservation had made these past few years. With this, there has been a slow decline in...
First Smart Buoy deployed in the Philippines
What is the issue with coral reefs? The Philippines is found within the Coral Triangle, the epicenter of marine biodiversity. Our country along with Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and the Solomon Islands. The Philippines is home to over 500 species of stony corals. In addition, more than 2,000 marine species are associated with...
Blue Carbon Citizen Science Training in Lobo, Batangas
Blue carbon is the carbon that is stored in mangroves and seagrass, which are blue carbon ecosystems. For this reason, mangrove and seagrass carbon storage are extremely high. These ecosystems have a great capacity to take up and store carbon in the atmosphere. What a great way to mitigate climate change! Furthermore, participating in citizen...
Mangrove Restoration in Northern Mindanao and La Union
Oceanus Conservation focuses on the blue carbon initiative and nature-based solutions as a way to mitigate climate change. Our mangrove restoration projects aim to restore and protect mangrove forests by working with local communities in the Philippines. Two of our project sites are communities in Looc, Salay, Northern Mindanao, and Aringay, La Union. Mangroves are...
New collaborations for 2022: Oceanus pairs up with non-profit partners and local communities for mangrove restoration projects
Oceanus conservation is a non-profit organization in the Philippines that focuses on advocating for the protection and restoration of blue carbon habitats. This includes mangrove forests and their surrounding wildlife. We follow nature and science-based solutions and methods for the restoration of these ecosystems. In our projects, we work with the local communities and hopefully...
Ocean Literacy: Launching of Ocean Adventures with Cory Volume 2!
The Philippines is one of the mega-diverse countries in the world with high species endemism. However, there is a lack of ocean literacy and limited access to marine environmental education in most of the educational institutions around the country. In 2020, we started an initiative of creating an educational children’s storybook that tackles the lack...
Smart Buoys to be deployed in Palawan and Mindoro
As part of our commitment to use technology to assist us in understanding the environment, one Smart Buoy each will be deployed in Palawan and Mindoro in partnership with the local government and existing NGO in the area. These Smart Buoys will be able to monitor the temperature changes in the coastal waters in the...
Featured in World Economic Forum : Ocean literacy
The pandemic may have halted a lot of people to do most of their conservation work, however, Co-Founder Camille Rivera was still able to make use of her time by joining the Coalition Wild Program. The Coalition Wild is a 6-month intensive leadership and capacity building program to train emerging young leaders with the set...